How can secure client-communications unlock revenue opportunities for businesses?

We saw where business was held back, so took it upon ourselves to plug that gap.

It’s an exciting time at Sotera Digital, as our SecurePhone is leading the pack in mobile security. If you haven’t heard already, the Sotera uses the same operating system that protects the US nuclear arsenal, military weapons systems, NASA/Department of Defense space systems, and commercial airliners. It might be small enough to fit in your hand, but it’s definitely mighty.

Cybercriminals want what you have…
● Trade secrets
● Personal client information
● IP, M&A details, financials
● Other privileged data.

Many industry sectors are the perfect targets by cybercriminals. Banks, Family Offices, Pharmaceutical and tech companies, and of course lawyers.

Regarding the latter, it’s no surprise that U.S. law firms cited cybersecurity as their number one concern for 2023. And yet, according to the Ponemon Institute, 35% of professionals stated their work devices had no measures in place to secure corporate data.

“The average lawyer spends more time on their mobile phone than on any other digital device. No wonder mobile phones are fast becoming the biggest gaping hole in cyber security policies.” The Lawyer Monthly, June 2023

In 2017 alone, 75% of all mobile security breaches came through apps rather than technical cyber-attacks on operating systems. The very make-up of standard phones leaves them vulnerable, even where security measures have been taken, in the form of security-seeking “add-ons”.

Standard IOS and Android smartphones, and popular messaging apps (yes, even the “encrypted” ones) weren’t built for mission-critical security and infallible privacy – the Sotera SecurePhone was. None of our competitors address the applications, the operating system, and the hardware. We have all three layers on lockdown to safeguard sensitive data at every possible point.

The Sotera provides government-trusted, enterprise-dependable end-to-end mobile security. It’s the only phone that can. There are obvious protective benefits, but we built the Sotera with powerhouse pursuit in mind. When it comes to business, it pulls its weight.

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